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About Candy

Thank you for visiting. My name is Candy Gulsvig and I have been part of the Park Rapids area since the early 1980's. My husband and I have 4 children and many grandkids all scattered between the Twin Cities and Austin, TX. When they want to spend family time they always head to Northern Minnesota for that down home feeling.

The Park Rapids area can also be your link to enjoyment and fun. Whether you are thinking about a summer or permanent home in the Park Rapids area, feel free to contact me at the office or on my cell.

Gulsvig Family Reunion
Gulsvig Family Reunion

Our Youngest Grandchild
Our Youngest Grandchild


Candy Gulsvig - Broker - GRI - ePro®
Affinity Real Estate Inc
600 Park Avenue S
Park Rapids MN 56470

218-237-3333 office
218-237-3377 fax
218-255-0631 cell

©2019 Park Rapids Homes | Candy Gulsvig Broker | Licensed in Minnesota | Affinity Real Estate Inc

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